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Our firm represents most of Israel’s large banks.


Our firm’s extensive experience in the field of banking allows it to represent bank branches around the country. The firm provides our clients with a variety of legal services in this area.


The firm assists with debt collection by filing lawsuits in court and running debt collection proceedings using all available means.


The firm also defends banks in case a lawsuit is filed against them.


The firm’s extensive experience in the area of banking has led to successful debt collection for many banks represented by the firm.

Ben Yakov, Shvimer, Dolev Law firm | All Rights Reserved

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אתר זה משויך לבן יעקב-שוימר-דולב, משרד עורכי דין (557926359)
רחוב שחם 1 פתח תקווה 4951701 טל. 03-6127711

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